But you need a noteblock for that and i want to do it without a noteblock
So currently i have a little jingle im trying to play with noteblocks but whenever i play the sound the pitch is not changed. I heard that if you...
I had the file(permissions.yml) and then i made it the sql backend then i did /pex import file and it says it dumped it
Here it is
So whenever i start or reload my server it all goes good my pex connects with mysql but at the end it comes up with an error Also im having a...
Its not being shared
If gotten tons of chatmanager plugins but they just dont seem to work so i just started making my own so i put in the pex api and i need help so...
What i am doing is seeing if the block they click is equal to any of the hashmap locations Can You please help? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts,...
I have fixed the code and got rid of suppress warnings but still doesnt work if(p.getTargetBlock((Set<Material>) null,...
for(int id=0; plugin.stakes.size()>id; id++) { p.sendMessage("test1"); if(p.getTargetBlock((Set) null, 5)...
How do i check if the coords are a chest
I need to check if a sign in signchangeevent is placed on a chest then check if chest has stuff in playerinteractevent i know the right click and...
how shall i also check that there are 2 args?
Can you show an example of how you would set this in the array and get
Separate names with a comma.