that worked :)
Ack! Spells and Persistence currently don't work. I haven't updated minecraft for this error to even happen, I logged out earlier while it was...
well im doing this on a server folder so it would go in there But those that have replied are missing the most important part INTO WHAT do I...
this is whats confusing me, what does this mean? Where do I go to specifiy the path?
where do I type that ?^ In cmd? Because if so, I've done that and nothing happens because cmd doesnt recognize java command.
Ok I understand a little more now. Still, how would I apply this to chunkster.jar?
Yep, a youtube vid would be awesome too, but more detailed instructions are what i really need
how did u do it, im still trying to get this to work!
This thread: is a tool that will supposebly fix chunk errors. I need this tool to stop my...
hmm, is there a newbie guide to this. I don't quite know how to specify the world directory... what do I edit?
Where can I find the file that lists all the skill levels that the players on my server have. because everyone's skills got reset so I want to...
Separate names with a comma.