As @MiniDigger pointed out to me earlier, the 0.3.0 artifact I'd supposedly deployed never actually made it to the public Maven repo. To fix this...
I've just released version 0.3.0. Important note for anyone who's been using Fanciful up until now: we've switched over from using a GitHub...
ProjectInfinity MiniDigger Incidentally, I'm definitely interested in improving Fanciful's performance, but I'm kind of flying blind with...
You'd have to parse the color codes and translate them into FancyMessage.color() calls yourself. Splitting the string around occurrences of the &...
Unfortunately, I don't think the (Async)PlayerChatEvent interface currently offers a way to replace an intercepted chat message (in whole or in...
Thanks for the heads up, just qualified both Bukkit and CraftBukkit dependencies with scope=provided in the POM. Is the default behavior now...
Could you post your pom.xml? It sounds like you may be missing the section that instructs Maven to copy ("shade") the Fanciful classes into your...
As far as I know, there were no backwards-incompatible changes to the existing API. If you find something that doesn't work but did before, let me...
Some good news: thanks mostly to glen3b, we've recently been able to merge fixes for every outstanding issue, including the long-running problem...
That'd be really neat, but I don't think it's possible to implement in terms of Minecraft's underlying chat message protocol. Tooltip text doesn't...
There's not currently a way to do this in the Fanciful API, though implementing message deserialization probably wouldn't be too terribly...
The danger here comes from the exceptions to the "hardly ever". If, for instance, a new field of type Channel happens to be added to the...
The API to do this exists already – you can pass more than one string into the FancyMessage.tooltip() method, with each string being treated as a...
Yup, this has been a known issue for a little while now. Fixing it is probably my highest priority in ongoing development at the moment, but it's...
Merged this in as well. No immediate point release this time around, but you can update to 0.1.6-SNAPSHOT for the time being to get a fresh build :)
Separate names with a comma.