I wrote a plugin that turns off the stupid damage on wolves (since WG's function didn't work), and adding the healing (at least the player-level...
Oops. Thanks! Dumb old me :P
When I lock a door with [Everyone] as a user, opening it gives me the door bypass message.
I'm getting this a lot in the console. 19:37:58 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_INTERACT to TelePlusPlus java.lang.NullPointerException...
Trying to use /tp tool while my inventory was full gave me: 17:29:51 [SEVERE] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 17:29:51 [SEVERE]...
It should. I changed it to Xmx1536M (1.5 GB). I also can't find separate javaw processes in the task manager. Just one, so memory for crafty...
I do believe I see two default groups in there. Member and Default both have "default: true" in their descriptions.
23:30:07 [SEVERE] From:Location{world=CraftWorld{name=world}x=-537.1973190427576y=71.5z=234.23909034426342pitch=30.149996yaw=-77.85} I get one of...
The bukkit folder is the folder you have your craftbukkit.jar in, so in your case it would be the folder pictured above, your Minecraft Server folder.
The block protection doesn't seem to work on my server. I jailed a player as a test, and he could still break blocks if WorldGuard let him. With...
This is a great plugin, it's working great on my server. (Except the floating button problem, but that's easily remedied by attaching the button...
the auto-detonation works on my server, but i have to clean up half the beam afterwards.
This plugin and the Stargate plugin...
This plugin and Lockette (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-lockette-v1-2-2-simple-sign-based-chest-lock-no-databases-323-464.4336/) don't seem...
Separate names with a comma.