omon23 I am looking to keep anyone in creative mode from spawning items in any world. I am also not wanting a new perms plugin. Just a addon that...
Gamemode Permissions Suggested name: Gamemode Permissions (Or something more creative) Plugin category: Admin Tools, Mechanics The Idea:...
Harrison015 Ya I hope he puts it on Bukkit Dev but we will see its really up to him seeing that hes doing it for free!
Harrison015 Megan_girl Thanks guys! I have a friend thats said he would make it! :D Lets see what happens! :)
Ya and you could give redstone dust as a rare drop and hvae it give you hearts. :p
good idea! :D exp would be cool to. :p
Thanks! :) I know I wish some more people would see this!
XgXXSnipz Thanks any ways man. Appreciate the help! :) @simgar98 I did "/goodpoint mytestaccount random reason" and I got this error:...
Sweeeet! Your awesome! :0 Thanks soo much :) simgar98 Also simgar98 and XgXXSnipz You guys should check out my other Req if you don't mind...
simgar98 XgXXSnipz Sweet! Thanks a lot guys! :D killerline10168 lol xD You guys could always just work together. :P EDIT by Moderator: merged...
How good? What your staff think of your players. Plugin category: Admin/Mod Tool Suggested name: How Good? What I want: A rating system for...
Suggested name: Arcane Levitator (or you choose) Plugin category: Fun! And Mechanics What it is: Basicly the bukkit version of the FTB Arcane...
i figured it out. I just am using suckchat now
MCMatters could you send me the config file instead I rather not have to op someone Or i Could give you just pex and herochat perms EDIT by...
Separate names with a comma.