I had the same thoughts, md_5. Seems like a perfectly reasonable and necessary change and will definitely help in some cases in my own plugin...
In case you haven't found it already, here's the thread explaining the new event system: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/new-event-system.55249/
Jxpl still works under the latest RB. However, one of the most recent builds does break it, but I've got a fix coming to my fork in the next few days.
How would you do it, then?
I dissected the SpawnMob plugin and came up with the following code. Put this in your onEnable function and you'll spawn a giant zombie at your...
Thanks angelsl!
Yea, I've tried several names and import paths, but no luck. Any ideas? A safe way to include script files would more or less take care of the...
Right, but I'm thinking along the lines of stored configs, which would need JSON.stringify and JSON.parse. --- merged: Feb 10, 2011 11:42 PM ---...
Thanks for the reply. It'll be great to reload specific scripts in the future, but /reload works fine for now. I'd like to use JSON for my script...
Eeeeee! Thank you for this! I'm a total Java noob, but I absolutely love Javascript. Now I can finally start writing my own plugins! Wohooooo~...
Sounds great! Will missing block IDs be filled in once its implemented?
Would it be possible to add the item/block ID to the database? We had our server running for a few days with an older copy of the config without...
Is it possible to automatically register a chest as soon as its placed? We'd like to automatically register all placed chests public and owned by...
I also noticed that two overlapping no-build stones from different owners deny both owners build rights in the overlap. IMO the stone placed first...
We currently have a few blocks set up for no-build and a separate block that's just no-PVP. We'd like players to be able to protect their houses...
Separate names with a comma.