To access functions without public static (I don't use this method myself because I am way too deep in now to turn back) is as displayed below:...
Line 27
@Zombie_Striker I still need help, I can't crack the stack(trace).
Hello! I'm having a little problem. Here's the code: package me.alphagladiator.crates.listeners; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random;...
@patricksterza Sorry, but I have no experience in that area, and I'm pretty busy with other plugins right now.
@RealEmpire Sorry that I couldn't finish this in time, hope you enjoy @Jake861 's plugin!
@DarthMike I'm looking into it. Next time please tag me because I did not notice your post until now. (BTW, that is not the same error.) EDIT:...
@RealEmpire Going to work on the bugs I found yesterday. Almost done. I accidentally deleted a line of code that contained the formula needed for...
I got an idea. Use Random (a java class). minimum number = 0, maximum number = list of colors - 1. use rand.nextint(max) + min; do that and you...
@xproxowndx @kik_bat I'm sorry but I'm unable to complete this plugin. I don't have the skills to do it. Please mark this thread as unsolved and...
@RealEmpire Testing as we speak.
@RealEmpire Okay. I'll get to work on it.
@xproxowndx Just revised the code, hoping for the best...
@patricksterza YW :)
@patricksterza I would make this, but I don't know how to make fireworks. @Skionz @teej107 @mythbusterma These are some of the best developers...
Separate names with a comma.