BTW your Mywolf works great with Bukkkit 1564, kakashi sensei. My Server is running that Bukkit version.
can you also update the client mod?
Hello everyone, I am new at Server Developing. I am the Minecraftleader from a little MultiGaming Community. I´ve finished the hall Permission...
keyle ich meinte nicht das dein englisch schlecht ist ich meinte der satz wo du geschrieben hast das du deutsch kannst. hörte sich so an als ob du...
what are the colorcode for the name of the Wolf ? i try Gold but it doesnt work. ore does i try -6 or something else ?? test it now dont work....
please go to and paste it there then post the webaddress it gives you[/CODE][/quote i think you mean...
groups: Default: default: true info: prefix: '' suffix: '' build: true...
you mean materschief permission: - example.permission - anotherpermission but in correct writing form Oo why so heavy. but...
i dont copy it here but i add the people to the admins group. or do you mean i must add the permissions manually to the people ?
# System is no longer used, but may become used in the future # Copies is for multiple-world support # Put the name of the world you wish for it...
do you update the plugin for 818? at the moment it doesn not work. i try to take him on a leash but i hit him. no errors or something else just a...
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