Just modify how many plots a town gets per-person, or use /ta givebonus TOWNNAME AMOUNT, to add more plots to a town's plot pool. You could also...
@Sunslinger3 Please post a full startup from the latest.log
If you've got the revert-on-unclaim turned off in that world (confirm using the /tw command), then stop the server and delete the...
It's not possible, you'll have to find a plugin that regenerates all TNT explosions and then disable towny's wilderness regen using '/tw toggle...
Remove the {channeltag} from teh global channel_formats line, save teh file and /townychat reload
This sort of thing is best addressed on the Towny IRC, its linked in my signature, join me there please.
Pretty easy, open the townyperms.yml file and add to the nomad group: - towny.claimed.alltown.build.65 Save the file and in-game use /ta reload
Pastebin.com your townyperms.yml file from the Towny\settings\ folder. Don't do this @J_2_the_B . Thanks for your help so far @oceantheskatr but...
@ShadowBlack_Gaming Your Towny description is about 1/2 correct. If you'd like I could walk you through how to set up a towny server on the Towny...
Stop your server. Start your server, let it load completely, then stop it. A new latest.log will be created in your logs folder. Please upload it...
http://palmergames.com/javadoc/towny-bukkit/com/palmergames/bukkit/towny/object/TownBlock.html#hasTown() That will return null if there is no...
Towny doesn't support colour codes in the town or nation names.
Strange, your players all have access to the general channel via townyperms.yml's nomad group. Join the Towny IRC if you want to troubleshoot...
Separate names with a comma.