What to do instead?
I want players to be able to set warps, warp to those warps, delete the warps, and list them. I have this so far. The /delwarp command doesnt...
Ya Im working that out also :P
Thanks, I heard of them but didn't know what their name was :D
Thats what I have right now though? Can you reply to my pm? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Wait, so killer should be event.getEntity(); and Dead should be event.getEntity().getKiller();?
I forgot what it is called, but really want to try to add it into my plugin. on mc-kits.com you can view your kills, deaths and killstreaks on a...
@EventHandler public void onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent event) { Player killer = event.getEntity().getKiller(); Player dead =...
I am not sure what is wrong, but when a player does /bank it says you You need 15 cookies to buy this! To earn cookies, go get some kills! When I...
This goes in plugin requests. Also, describe the plugin, so people know what its about and they may want to help you.
Woa, I think they just changed the reply and liking system on this website. I know how to take away from inv with setsmmount then getammount - 1...
...I know that how do I take away 5 cookies from it if he has 5 or more cookies
I am trying to take away 5 cookies from a players enderchest if they have 5 cookies in it on command. This is what I have so far, but how do I get...
Separate names with a comma.