@Rocket321 No problem :)
Is anything filled in in the server.properties for the IP Address?
Negate this permission from their area in the file: essentials.nick.color
What are your server properties looking like?
True to use false instead in replace of 'no'.
Did you stop and restart the server? I work for a hosting company and that is one of the most common issues. You need to make sure the jar installs.
Try hastebin.com or the code button?
yoyoman1212 I went ahead to fix it for you. There were tabs after some lines. :) http://hastebin.com/esoxinuvuh.sm YAML doesn't like tabs.
Can you give a log up to the point of the error?
GodzWarrior If you are opped you have access to all permissions no matter what your Permissions Manager says. Paste a startup log please.
Separate names with a comma.