@Assist it doesnt work, it doesnt even have an error it just says /warn in white note the fist one works fine 'its the '/warn KoolzSkillz
Im just getting back into coding when i came across something i am stuck at. package WarnCommand.kyle; import java.util.logging.Logger; import...
Hi, i have a region called Members the flags this region has are Build Allow Block-Break Allow PVP deny they should be able to destory and build...
@CodingAddiction ok ive run into an additional problem where im registering the events of the class it asks for a world name, the (null)...
@teej107 ok and back to my main question, how would i get the name
@teej107 so far i can spawn the zombie and set its custom name, im not sure what event i would use tho, EntityDamageByEntityEvent?
Hey, How would i check if the mob the player is hitting has a name WITHOUT NMS, ie player hits a zombie named George, it adds confusion to the...
Skionz Ok then I'll just stick to NMS Edit: Can I edit their health and name without it?
Skionz I looked into that and I'm wondering is their any other way? Or just that
hey, how would I set it so a, let's say creeper for example won't attack a player or explode. It will just walk around lost all day. If possible...
Plugin category: Fun Suggested name: Sell-All What I want: A sign that can be like this Line 1: [Sell-All] Line 2: The Material Line 3: cost...
Skionz i dont understand where to put the strip color, it doesnt work like that if...
Skionz Example please, i dont understand where to put the strip color
that doesn't strip the color off the sign, so the SignClickEvent doesn't actavate if...
Skionz I already checked if its a cookie, but it was scrolled up in the coding @EventHandler public void...
Separate names with a comma.