Respawn ========================================== Making Death Fun Again ========================================== BukkitDev | Download This...
You're on. I'm making this for you. Oh, and I would also recommend doing it the way Dreeass suggested.
Hey, I believe the title is pretty self-explanatory. If anybody knows how to achieve this, please post a short description of the solution. A...
Stupid client then,... Anyways, thanks for the info!
Hey, I found that with a custom world generator I wrote, I'm getting a lot of lighting errors, and it started to annoy me and players. So I...
Thanks a lot, gonna try this asap =D
Hey, so recently I've been playing around with moving the player by a command. Sometimes it happens that through that, I get kicked by Minecraft...
If you "don't understand how listeners work", please, take the time to read a tutorial on how to get started with Bukkit before asking on the...
In line 37 you assign a variable something that comes from server.getPluginManager()... That "server" is defined in line 32 and is also assigned...
There you go. (Should work, haven't tested it...) ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.BOW, 1); item.addEnchantment(Enchantment.POWER, 5);...
If you have further problems with saving/loading, try this:
Nope. But thanks for your interest.
Dinnerbone, will there be something like a BiomeGenerator sometime soon? With the new Anvil world format, I've heard this could be very possible.
Okay I'm going to explain this to you using a square area. If you want an abstract area, you need to use another method or figure something out......
According to _jeb, since 1.2 biomes (and with them grass colors) are saved within the Minecraft world file. This means, in theory, there could be...
Separate names with a comma.