Thanks, but it's already solved...
Hey I remember you! I think you helped me with some other problem. When did you become moderator? (I also got the problem fixed. :))
So I was doing just fine in my work-in-progress mob arena server, when I get this error in chat when I try to use /manload: "All commands are...
Wow thanks dude.
So I'm coding this private plugin for my server and already have added a couple commands without ANY problems at all. I wanted to add /tnt which...
My donors can't seem to use colored chat for some reason. They have the permission '' (Hoping that, that's the permission.)....
No it's not actually world edit I forgot the message and thought it was related to WorldGuard, it actually says "You are not allowed to do this".
On my server no one can open chests and workbenches, it says "You are not allowed to do this.". Anyone know the problem?
Name: KitPvP Details: Just a regular kit pvp plugin, receive "credits" and spend them on features like enchantments for armor and swords, or you...
Amazing plugin, just what I needed! Possibly add /code list? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Paypal can be amazing for integrating with your website, But I want to make it possible so I can execute minecraft commands from my console, is...
Awesome, thanks bro!
Thanks dude, I'll check it out.
Is there a proper plugin that syncs with my website and force people to sign up before having any privileges? This can be handy when you want a...
Separate names with a comma.