Request! So far this is amazing. Would like to see some kind of "If there are no landmarks, don't show category" option (ie no "house" icons =...
Great upgrade! Thanks!! I would only ask that the default help info is shown (type /landmark and get a list of commands). Good stuff! Made some...
Hey! There is a way to make the images whatever size you want, but they've all got to be the same size (no problem, just make a big empty space...
Thanks for the update and how-to's. Great news on the possible future updates! Looking forward to it! Thanks for your time on this.
Great update!! Thanks a lot! Sorry, a few questions/requests for help: 1) I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to organize the landmarks by...
Thanks for the update! I threw in the .jar and tried it out with NO LUCK at first. However, selecting the arena (/ma setarena XXX) then turning...
Redstone update: I seem to be getting wonky redstone again. It doesn't always happen, but how I've managed to do it: -Make arena as before, with...
I know this is garbagemule's thread, but: That's what it's set to display, I'd also like to see a help with pages similar to Regios or...
Redstone glitch seems to be with previous arenas only. If you delete the arena data, and remake it there are no problems. To recreate, use your...
Is there a way to allow the server to choose which mouse button to activate signs? I use Citizens, Scrolling Menu Signs and this. Ideally I want...
Thanks for the information: I tried the above and it all works pretty well. The command signs make this pretty easy to use for the non-command...
I'm only using the standard "/ma protect (Arena)" set to On. I'd say 99% works like a charm except the wacky stuff like what I said above. Does...
Questions/suggestion 1) Is/should there be a minimum thickness to the arena outer walls? Just now I was blown through the arena wall by a...
Roger that; I'll do some more testing and update if I find anything. Could be a fluke. Great to hear about the end-commands via the API....
Having a lot of fun with this! Curious thing I noticed: When using another plugin (XCraftGate- multiworld warping plugin) I found that in worlds...
Separate names with a comma.