@Assist Although I appreciate the link to a tagAPI thread, I was referring to a way that I could do it myself without an API @timtower EDIT by...
So I've been trying to figure out how to change a players name-tag above their head. I've looked at many threads from a rather long time ago and...
@567legodude Thanks for the help
@EventHandler public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) throws IOException { File playerfile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() +...
@Zombie_Striker More or less the ChatHandler.java
I have just come back to a previous project I was working on a while ago, it was working perfectly when I last used it, however now for some...
I should probably point out I am not new to Java, I came across the error because it was around 3-4am and I couldn't think clearly, when I woke up...
I am trying to save a list of UUID's however unless I do 'configuration.set("members", String.valueOf(tribe.getMembers()));' then it saves...
'If I am making the variable of the Player in onEnable null, testing for null would be pointless in the method' Why would you need a player if you...
I would imagine that in your method you can check to see if player is equal to null, if it's not then do what you would normally do with your...
@Assist So I changed my code and it works fine, I find it odd how I never had this problem with previous command classes which use the plugin...
@Assist My other classes work fine? They do not have any problems, however I will test this theory :)
@bwfcwalshy I also tried using a constructor, however it still returns a nullPointerException. I know most people say not to use a public static...
@BitaSmietana Like @bwfcwalshy has said, the variable does not exist, however you should also consider checking the sender has an instance of a...
I'm having a rather odd issue when getting my instance of my main class, for some reason when I have made all of my previous command classes it...
Separate names with a comma.