Hi! So this is literally my last thing I have to do before I bring my server up. For background; I have my spawn region set, then I have all of my...
I actually had that same problem. Download this https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/multiinv?gameCategorySlug=bukkit-plugins&projectID=31363 In your...
So I noticed that you can't use a jukebox in an area autonomously because when you log out and log in it just turns off. Is there a plugin that...
Oh I didn't have the heal amount set. Thanks for the help anyways!
Hi! So I have my spawn region setup with heal-max-health: 20.0 , but it doesn't heal. is there something I'm missing? Thanks! [IMG]
NVM, I have it setup to where /warp is no longer enabled for players and they instead have to go through a portal to pay. Will make it to where...
I currently have MV enabled and working on my server and I do see that you can set a price to /mvtp to different worlds, but is there a way with...
Ah thanks! Glad to know a plugin author helps people out! It worked
Hi! I have a functioning rental areashop and it lets me rent it but it also lets me extend my rental infinitely which I did not allow to be done...
What happens if I duplicate PEX permissions? Say under permissions for player: -essentials.give -Control.TPA.Use -essentials.give Does it...
Thanks! This is a fantastic plugin!
I remember playing on a server once and whenever someone reported stolen items from a LWC locked chest, an admin would come over to the area and...
Yes it was, thanks. Just had to remove PlayerMarket because it was still conflicting even though i turned essentials.message off.
Hi! I am currently setting up a server and I want to use a playermarket plugin but one of my other plugins is conflicting with it becuase they...
Me and my friend have started a town on <Removed advertising - Necrodoom> and I am the assistant. Is there any way to make it possible for the...
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