Glad to hear it. This is a good solution for the moment while I work at getting the plugin up to date.
Ladies and gents, I've not been a part of BetterShop development team for quite a while, but I'm re-committing myself to the cause and will have...
Looks perfectly fine! Those are only warnings, no need to worry.
cool, man! You're a programmin' animal!
Sorry to have forgotten to update that :\
You can open the BetterShop.jar file in an archiver and then edit plugin.yml in a text editor. Remove the following lines and save everything:...
It should auto-download that if it's missing. Currently, SQLite is unsupported.
Partial name support is a great idea. With transaction logging, /buyagain is feasible. Exempt /sellall items... I'll have to think more about how...
oops. I didn't know what was meant by report either... :\
I'll look into region-defined shops. This would probably require WorldEdit and WorldGuard, but what self-respecting server doesn't already have...
AWESOME! That's all I have to say about that. AWESOME! I will take a look at your code tonight or tomorrow night. Work's been ramping up and I've...
You can use the same one, but rename it to the name of the world (if it isn't already). Typically, it's world.yml or nether.yml.
Ahhhhh upgrade to Permissions 2.5.x. Edit: Link
Separate names with a comma.