I have black shadow's same problem. 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) Yes My friend's computer only says "Unable to reach server". I was thinking it...
forgot to mention, there are no other programs running on this computer at any time, this is not tbe.computer I play on.
Running MCMyAdmin, a few plugins on windows 7 64x and either build 1317 or 1240(Forgot which, will check and edit post later). The server works on...
It didn't really seem necessary considering how I'm the only one in the hamachi network whose server isn't working
People still can't access the server with firewall disabled. any other options?
Do you know what I can do to stop firewall from preventing people logging in?
Is there anything else that can cause my friends to not be able to join? Windows firewall perhaps?
Is there anything else I need to do?
whoops, sorry. Didnt see that the post went to a new page and assumed it wasn't posted So I take the IP that hamachi gives me *.***.*.*** and put...
I must not be doing this correctly. how do I go upon setting up hamachi with McMyAdmin
I must not be doing this correctly. How do I set up hamachi with McMyAdmin? I already have everyone in one network on hamachi
I'm using McMyAdmin and Hamachi, my friends are unable to connect. I can still connect. any solutions? Windows 7 64-bit
Still nothing
After not having a server for a while due to computer problems, I started a new one using the quick-start kit on the bukkit wiki and build 1240....
I started up my server today for the first time in a week or so and updated it to build 935 and all of the other players are experiencing...
Separate names with a comma.