There is a plugin that already does this, but you seriously run a minecraft community and own a dedicated server but you can't afford 25 USD (20...
Listen guys posting over and over asking about when Bukkit's RB for Beta 1.8 will be released is pointless. Asking questions makes the developers...
If you don't release your source then what is this? Those .java files ARE your source. If you don't want your source floating round the internet...
8:57:32 [INFO] [OKB3] [BRIDGE] <playername>'s ranks synced. 18:57:32 [INFO] [OKB3] Updated <playername>'s nickname to null. Can you make it...
-- NVM i was wrong -- :P
Supposidly you no longer need to; they added a thing to stop overriding custom set nicknames, so that other mods can set nicknames without issues...
Hey Kalman I've got another bug for ya :P 01:00:07 [SEVERE] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:...
What mods have you tested to be working with Nickname support? I ask because I'm using essentials and can't seem to get it to work.
I think that means it doesn't, in fact, that's exactly what it's saying. -John
@Kalman Olah I would love to start learning Java and help out with this project. If you wanna provide me with the source and sorta help me setup...
I was having that issue too: Change multitable: secondtable: phpbb_profile_fields_data useridfield-in-secondtable: user_id...
I just decompiled it because I was becoming frustrated with it not working (so i took a peek), also there's an issue with your config file as well...
Shouldn't the line in your that is query1 = "SELECT " + nickfield + " FROM " + table1 + "," + table2 + " WHERE " + table2 + "." +...
Separate names with a comma.