HackForums? I think so! xD Well, best of luck in life. Don't forget to talk about NoCheat on your resume! :D
Social Engineering is much more effective in the griefing scene than hacks and "malicious" plugins.
And this is why I enjoy the Bukkit forums much more than the Epsilon ones or even HackForums. People tend to be much more high quality. Anyways,...
Some plugins block it. You need to use the ยง in chat to make it show. Some say that \247k work as well.
I'm more interested in this than her, so you'd be better off quoting me, so I'll get an alert and counter your badly worded argument. She did not...
The idea originally came about after someone mentioned they did it previously, but their plugin got denied because it was superfluous (one...
Trololo. First of all, I find it quite funny that EvilSeph removed your links. Second, Become a plugin developer, upload to devBukkit? It isn't...
Makes me wish I got into the closed Beta... Sigh
NO, read the forums. This is a limitation in minecraft. You can't see yourself. I tried this on my server, they just saw a floating steve above...
ON the server I play on, i have to make sure that all the letters are capitalized properly and spelled properly and everything before it works....
Please read the forum. The command is /md, not /wd. Also, you cannot see yourself as a mob. This is due to restrictions in minecraft
Erm... Whats a woodenslaps? xD What craftbukkit are you running? I think this happens if you're not running 1060
Quite possibly. Not at all sure though, try it Maybe because people can't see a mob sleeping in a bed, but on the disguised client, they dont...
In the config, have worldname, nether differentdifferentworldname If i remember correctly
I doubt repeatedly bugging him to update will make him update it. :d
Separate names with a comma.