You seriously need to find something better to do than argue with a bunch of people on the internet about how you are unable to form a proper...
We're excited to announce our next feature: 3D renders! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] You can find the documentation for renders over on...
We've seen several different avatar services throughout Minecraft's history, but even the most popular ones have ended up completely broken and...
I'm pretty sure it's people like Osama Bin Laden who make the world a terrible place.
of course not, this kid is just dumb.
He changed the software he is using, there is no reason not to repost.
even worse. import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller.Listener;
Mineplex source code was leaked, and read his last sentence, "and as some of you know is used on some servers such as Mineplex"
I wonder where you got this code.
Considering I can barely understand it, it didn't help me.
Here's a good one: Bukkit.broadcastMessage(ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "Starting in " + seconds + " second" + (secs == 1 ? "" : "s") + "!"); Basically...
They're called Ternary operators.
Read the plugin page, if you can see it? Otherwise a lot of it is different, I was kind of following my own ideas while taking some from this post...
Separate names with a comma.