Ok! So basically I need a plugin. What I need is a plugin for example: When a player reaches a certain level it will run commands/tasks from the...
Ok, so have any of you seen the plugin Minecraft: The Last Airbender. Commonly knows has: Bending. When you airblast someone it blasts them back....
mrCookieSlime Skionz Im sorry this is really confusing me. I just need a method to get any entities infront of me. Can you help?
Skionz mrCookieSlime "Spoon-feed me the code". If that's the phrase you would use for a newbie that is what I need unless any of you know a good...
mrCookieSlime Method though? Let me refrase. Can you please send me the actual code I would use for this?
Skionz mrCookieSlime Thanks! But can you please send me the method you would use for entities aswell as players?
Skionz Yes. It is a line of particles but I need it so if anyone is in that line they get affected.
Hey! I'm a minecraft dev and i'm looking for a solution to a problem I've encountered while making my minigame. Well... its not really a problem....
Here is a plugin I have recently made if you're interested: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/particletrails/
Have you ever seen on a server how when you step on something it boosts you? Heres how to do that: Step One is to make the command/event for...
Okay! I get how you make the effect but I need a manager. I have no idea how to make one D: I've tried EffectManager manager = new...
LCastr0 Trying to make an existing one. To be exact I would like the helix made out of flames.
Hmm, still not working. package com.christmas.particles; import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.PacketPlayOutWorldParticles; import...
Slikey Im so confused here. Do I implement it from Java Build Path or do I have to manually copy and paste the class I need? Also, after that....
Separate names with a comma.