(points to Glowstone, Torches and Lava) No plugin required!
For those who have servers with lots of little plugins, it causes conflicts. So, if a server administrator goes: "Oooh, I can just drop in...
You will probably want to include the following information to attract more developers: 1. What do you feel like the server is going to be: free...
Generally, Bukkit gets fixed within 36 hours after an update. *Most* plugins will work with old versions of Bukkit, depending on what changed...
Toothless, I installed your update to add in icons, and I changed the Type to "Villa" and I also tried "villa" and it's still getting the...
One thing to note: If you are using HeroChat, delete EssentialsChat.jar. They fight for dominance over using Prefixes.
Verify that the group (use /manwhois <yourFriendsNameHere>, then do /manglistv <yourFriendsGroupNameHere>) has build: true. If it doesn't do:...
earth2me is down...what's going on? :(
Separate names with a comma.