494sox thank you! whist you were right!
Hi guys, im just finishing a server, but i need a plugin which deny players to create NETHER PORTALS, and deny players to enter to THE_END. If you...
Thank you JaguarJo ! You'r amazing!!
It depends of the mini-game plugin which you are using. There are some plugins which are usable with essentials and IConomy money, just like WAR.
You can choose different permissions for certain groups with PermissionsEX. There are many videos out there where you can learn how to use it!
Hi Treeline1! Try this: /region flag [region_id] pvp allow
Is the plugin updated according with the server version?
Hi guys! I really hate to ask these things to other people, but i just cant use different permissions per world, and i already tried many times....
Separate names with a comma.