I need a Plugin that User write a command when there read the rules und useful commands board and to the admins comes a message that he player...
I have other plugins i have bukkit version 1000 and yes a little error i send you at a conversation
I cant go to Skylands world why i goto there than loaded it and than comes a blackscreen why
I cant go inside the skylands why i write /ssk skylands and than load it and than cames a blackscreen why
I have download jre 1.7 but there is still this error. Whhy ?? i have a lot of plugins, it is perhaps because ?? the error on my server brings the...
It comes ever this error , but i dont know Why ?? Pls help me. Sorry for my bad english. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/835/unbenanntqsi.jpg/
i have it fixed but thanks for help ^^
Hello, i have an Problem with my permissions. I can´t add permission nodes to the permission plugin. I´v become every an errror but i dont know...
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/148/falsch.jpg/ What i do false
Damn iam bad in english i cmome from germany i dont knot what i musst do with the chunkstar.zip
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/errroro.jpg/ Why i have this error .
I cant add Permission Nodes. It comes everthing an error. I dont know Why ??
I have an big Error. Pls help me http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/193/errorkd.jpg/
Hi this problem i have solved. But i have an other error i cant add permissions nodes in the groups.yml It comes ever an error why...
Separate names with a comma.