First one is just pvp arena 1v1 (No PLugin needed) the plugins called war. and maybe some other plugins but they should be up for download today....
Thanks I have the hunger games sorted as I found a plugin for the hunger games it is now just setting up teams and teleporting them out when there...
Hi im not sure what a hook is but it will have to be compatible with a number of plugins and maybe no plugins like it need to work with some free...
Plugin category: Miscellaneous Suggested name: Lobby's What I want: Hi, I would like a lobby plugin which is very simple and user friendly....
Hi, My multiverse will not run I am op and have installed it. But I get this error when trying to put /mv command and /mv create [IMG] Help...
Hi, I have a list of stuff i want my server to have security wise and wondered if someone could tell me the best plugin for that. Here is my...
ok thanks ok well im using bPermissions what chat plugin do you suggest EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of...
What permissions plugin will work best with essentials.
Is there an area protection like world guard which does not need mysql database
Thank you which one is the easist to install like add the permissionsin
What permission plugin should i use as i want it to beable to add and remove users ingame and to have like [Owner] Username and [Member] Username...
Thanks it works fine and how will i do it so Owner and Admin get all commands is it just a * and also how do i add a user to the chat. and i just...
That is my old one when i added all the nodes i forgot i put that one in istead so this one is the one which is on...
The one i have is this one
still no change in that either now chat manager will not install This is my server log it seems to look like some error but not sure 19.11...
Separate names with a comma.