@harry_mccormack What do you mean by 'no placeable ones'? I can help you figure this out.
Use Essentials are better. There even more commands that you can use.
How about Essentials?
@mrCookieSlime Ummm I have try that before but doesn't work. http://bukkit.org/threads/disable-mcmmo-party.315385/
@BlueCrafter12 Well I'm using a plugin call FeatherBoard and if I do have mcMMO it will mess up the scoreboard and if I disable mcMMO scoreboard...
Name: Group Chat What does it do?: You can create your own private group chat and people can join. They also can join multiple group chats....
@Tester821 Have you even tried it? Can you explain why is it not work properly. What server version are you using?
Try Info-Board-Reborn http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ib-reborn/
Send your config and rankup and let me see :). I'll try solve it.
@_chargers2417_ Try EzRanksLite: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ezrankslite/
@Ridan It doesn't work? This is my server version. [IMG]
@Ridan Thanks but my server just got hacked so I won't be using for couple months or days. Appreciate it :D.
@Ridan I'll test it tomorrow days I'm busy right now.
@Ridan They will lose the money.
Separate names with a comma.