Uhm, you did see that my post was from January? *sigh*
Uhm, this is an issue with his graphics card and 1.1 of minecraft, it is all over the net. Here's the fix:...
start.sh is only used to start "mono McMyAdmin.exe" - nothing else should be in there.
Why? It's still working perfectly.
I would love to test this on one of our event servers! Sounds bloody awesome! :)
Inb4 next post saying it doesnt work or asking for a download. I said the same thing like you did one page earlier. People here just hate to read...
Looks awesome - am waiting eagerly! ;)
Happens here too - but it doesnt stop the plugin from working! (For us at least)
And now, we practice reading the post exactly above the one you just posted....
I had this reddit in my bookmarks - didnt check if its been maintained at all though:...
This happens by using a Spout version thats not compatible with the CB version you use. Only way to restore is by using a backup (as you always...
That is the combination that works e.g. Using Spout 681 and CB 1774 causes the Stones go missing issue for many.
This happens if you use a dev CB build with an outdated Spout version thats NOT ready for that CB build (the newest Spout versions are). So make...
Ikr, it's a pity this isnt properly working right now, I love the concept.
Dont worry, happens to the best :D
Separate names with a comma.