I tried this right now and sadly all the monsters I set to burn in the sun don't and the ones I set to NOT burn still do. Happily tho, creepers...
still waiting for an update for permissions :S
It would be awesome if there was a configuration to make the fences also target mobs! Cuz i'm personally looking at this interesting plugin for...
That idea sounds exciting and would definitely make this plugin easily usable with minimal complications :D I look forward to it since I currently...
Woots, works without any issues. Only problem I got with this is that they don't make a boom sound anymore :[ They just disappear and hurt you, I...
I'm adding this to my server NOW than :] Thanks for the plugin!
Will this have any conflict with Permissions compatibility? :D I REALLY like this idea, cuz I love the bomb effect of creepers but NOT the destroy...
Wow, I've taken a look at it and am extremely excited for the release of the Bukkit plugin! :D To you and nijiko, thanks for all the hard work!
@RG_PankO Here's the About Us thread: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/welcome-to-the-bukkit-project.5/ Under Ease of Use: "Getting and using...
AH! Now that I look again at the about us section under Ease of use, its right there. No wonder this idea sounded very familiar, lol my bad =P
I very much agree with this idea. It would be lovely to have a plugin that would inform us admins on our current plugins' versions and the...
Separate names with a comma.