Landmarks 0.3 should just work with 0.20.1. Extract all files in your plugins directory and add the landmarks component to your configuration,...
You used my package with an older version of dynmap. My package is -only- compatible with Dynmap 0.20.
Have you placed the files from Landmarks that were supposed to be in web/js, web/css, web/images to your Apache directory? If that isn't the...
Hmm, for some people it didn't work since I messed up. So here is a new one:...
I don't have the build-files that dfyx used, so created my own similar to what Dynmap uses. It should work, but no guarantees of course ;)....
Dynmap 0.20 is just released. Landmarks v0.2 is not compatible with Dynmap 0.20, however the fix is ready to be released. I think it will come as...
I'm working on a clean solution for different sections in the sidebar. In 0.17 and below DFYX needed to hack its section to the sidebar and had...
The order shouldn't matter (in this case). It might be the number of spaces before the two lines, I dunno what else could be missing... I've just...
Landmarks will still work. The only thing that has changed is what to add to the configuration.txt. Instead of adding: - type: landmarks You now...
Hi NoFear13, you can add Dynmap to the list of supported plugins. The url of the recommended builds for Dynmap is:...
Nice plugin. I was working with some of the other Dynmap devs on splitting the web-server from Dynmap to a seperate plugin, but have waiting for...
I've changed the recommended build in the thread's title:
Separate names with a comma.