well that's the thing, you could download falsebook yourself and see, if there's a repeater in the middle it get screwy and won't work and now...
redstone repeater, the actual repeater you can use with redstone ingame to send signals further, what i said is that falsebook will not work if...
was just wondering since craftbook was the best back in the day but they doesn't exist anymore which was the best at handeling IC, now there's...
i don't know if someone has found this out yet but going through 151 pages to find out is a bit of a hastle, anyway, signals sent through a...
is this possible to do? that it plays a pre done video clip or save for the person, for example, i create this path and select a block/some blocks...
oh, i thought you directed it to me, sorry for missunderstanding
i think he means versions for other lift plugins or something but if you read your name v10lator which is read violator and violift, so i guess he...
"5. I thought you don't want signs...?" no i don't want signs i meant that if you would do the changes with it you shouldn't have any signs...
well, if he's/she's not around then who can complaint? it's an awsome plugin, would be nice to have, easy to use aswell and not only that i did...
Hi i was wondering if someone could continue on this elevator plugin? http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/inactive-mech-elevators-v1-4-3-740.2584/...
well how about this? i can't code for crap, i even have probs with html, i'm more in to hosting, making music/videos/pics, since when was i...
jaboy, just so you know, group manager for essentials nor PEX stopped ppl to build, even though i put it on false for the groupmanager and i tried...
could you guys please give me an example on how bPermissions handle goups, users, building destroying and if the user profiles is AUTOMATICLY...
groups: default: permissions: permissions.build: false permissions.myworlds.portal: true permissions.essentials.all: true...
I really like how easy you could control everything with that Groups: Default: Default: true Info: prefix ''...
Separate names with a comma.