AuZor I'll take it asap
Then change the thread title plz :)
Submit a leaky ticket ;)
Thats what I meant, right ;)
jacklin213 Its like binding a custom inventory to a chest and open it when you have this chest held in your hand and leftlick ;)
iRasS_7rba You're in the wrong section ;) Go into the plugin developement forum, open a thread with your actual source code + problem and some1...
HrTsDi well, there is no breeding event/api at the moment, so I need to find a workaround
AndyMcB1 Thx 4 tahgging me btw. Mr_Urfaneck I'm on it ;)
It's because you cancle the whole event ^^ I've developed the plugin already, so check my source:
AndyMcB1 Added it! Thank you :)
hunajameloni Try my plugin Infected
Mr_Urfaneck Waiting for approval ;)
Thanks :) If you have any suggestions, just post it on the BukkitDev page And please mark the thread as filled :P It's already done ;)
May develope the plugin Matthewadams Its done and waiting 4 approval ;) Up there soon! EDIT by...
md_5 New version is uploaded @ DBO. Plugin is active again
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