Last Activity:
Mar 4, 2012
Mar 30, 2011
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Forge_User_97486798 was last seen:
Mar 4, 2012
    1. Forge_User_97486798
      I am back again!
    2. Forge_User_97486798
      Virus fried my PC. Don't know when I will be back.
    3. Forge_User_97486798
      Status Message? What is this? Twitter? Pfff....
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  • About

    Ever since I got a computer in 1997, I wanted to know everything there is to know about how things work. Since you could view the source of any website I started with HTML and JavaScript as my first script languages. Furthermore I encountered my first game "Mario 64" around the same time. As the Internet progressed to Web 2.0, I learned PHP as well as Flash Actionscript 2 using Flash MX 2004. Battlefield 2 was the first PC game that I actively played together with my friends using Teamspeak 2. As I chose IT in School, I learned Pascal, Delphi, Assember and NQC, with which I won a Robot Contest in 2007 and that brought me to C# and C++. A friend brought me to "Americas Army" where I found my first clan in 2006. As time passed, I was a programer in an AAO league and founded my own clan. To keep those running, I rented a linux rootserver and setup Game/Web and Teamspeakservers via shell. In the meantime I familiarized myself with Photoshop, Maya, UDK to get things started.