I always run my server and plugins on the cutting edge. The plugin has no faults for me. I would suggest trying to see if you have a plugin...
looks like he answered the call :) https://github.com/Top-Cat/NPCLib/commit/866391d5cc42b9187a16acfe7f8cfbe9efff8a39
Yeah my MySQL part just cacked itself :P 2012-03-05 16:10:52 [INFO] [ FalseBook IC ] ---------------------------------------- 2012-03-05...
what is new in Questioner ? thanks for all the work you've put into this though :)
My list of Failed IC's seems to be growing rapidly. Any reason these actually happen and anyway to stop them from failing or get the server to...
Ah i see, he has called them Snowman and Villager :) thanks
@garbagemule is your GitHub up to date ? i really need to add the 1.0 mob types to this plugin :) or in particular the SnowGolems and Humans :)
When you get the time would it be possible to update the wiki with all IC's ? Cheers
Are you still developing @narrowtux ?
@GeMoschen any chance we could get a Jenkins link maybe ? and also get this moved over to bukkitdev as this place will be going soon :(
@MiracleM4n is there any way to disable the afk timer and afk kick part of mchat essentials ?
Any updates ? spreadsheet hasnt changed in a while :(
[SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_JOIN to mChat java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static method...
Any news on if you're carrying on MM ? if you could link TrainCarts with MM it would be super amazing :D
yes but that star node is built into the worldguard plugin..... falsebook doesnt have any star nodes.
Separate names with a comma.