We won't spoonfeed you, but if you have basic knowledge of Java, you should be able to do it using the following: Saving: Iterate over...
Use world#getHighestBlockYAt(location) Then you can easily check if it's above the player: blockY >= playerY + 2
You can also use armorstand.setSmall(...) to resize the block
position is xyz (and world) you don't need to store the rotation you can make them invisible and disable gravity: it's the perfect solution for...
Please bump only once every 24 hours It doesn't really make sense to store the waypoint name twice in the config.. Anyways: You can get the name...
Store .getStringList in a variable Remove the string from it Set it back to the config
Check if item has ItemMeta Get ItemMeta Check if ItemMeta has a displayName Check if the displayname equals "example"...
Your code sets allItems to true for the next ingredient even if it has been set to false by a previous ingredient, because you only break from the...
I'm no expert at this, but you need ProtocolLib for this. There are many easy to find tutorials for it so I won't link you to it.
item.getItemMeta() can be null only execute the following code if item.hasItemMeta() and meta.getLore() can be null create an empty...
that returns a clone of the helmet, just like any other method to get items from an inventory. modifying that clone won't modify the item in the...
When I was testing, it only displayed the message when one of the armor items get's to a durability of 1.
Thats a question you could easily google and immediatly find a working answer... Anyways, you can use EnchantmentStorageMeta meta =...
you can add the curse of binding enchantment.
You need to create a variable to store the Main class instance in the CMDApply class, so you can access it inside onCommand for example. In...
Separate names with a comma.