If the error is occuring there the only thing which could be null is the list. Try printing that into the console above line 38.
@Drqgon A friend of mine will try to continue this and I will help him a bit.
I want to prevent players from using commands when they are in "Editmode". The only command they should be able to use is /editmode to leave the...
Can anyone please take this over? I am quite busy with some other projects, and wont be able to get a real working version out until end of august.
@Chromify You do not import the Player class, if you are using eclipse, just press ctrl+shift+O if not add "import org.bukkit.player" at the top...
@lubbs31 Yes I will publish the source soon @Drqgon It is not finished yet there is still a lot to do
@Drqgon Short update about whats possible yet: You can now create arenas and set their spawn, those are loaded as soon as the server starts....
@Drqgon I can check if the angle at which they throw is high enough, maybe that's a solution
@Drqgon Thrn thats a problem, because I am sure some "funny" throwers will start throwong the ball instantly at the ground every time so tgry stay...
@SayHi2uTube I did not either, but it sounded interesting and I thought I'll do it. :D @Drqgon And again a question,: what happens, if the ball...
@Drqgon Nice thats easier to program :D Another question, do players keep there points when a new round starts, so when e.g. you have 3 players,...
@plobnob Maybe the player does not pick up one of the xp balls or something like that
@Drqgon One more question, as soon as the ball hits the ground, he is dead, but does he become alive again, when he bounces up into the air or not?
@Ruptur http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bouncingarrows/, after trying to get reflecting vectors to work by myself, I found this plugin, of...
Separate names with a comma.