Im_Zeus Ohh okay... Could you add a Debug Message after this: meta.setLore(lore); The Debug Message should be this:...
Im_Zeus So it does also add the Enchantments to this Drop and It drops it but it doesnt have the lore? Only the lore is missing? But then there is...
Oo-Zakk-oO I would be happy if you could leave me a like :)
Im_Zeus So you can be Sure that this Method is called?
Oo-Zakk-oO Here: :) @EventHandler public void onChat (AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {...
Im_Zeus Will this Message be shown?: ((Player)e.getEntity().getKiller()).getName() + " has just gotten a Demonic weapon drop!"
Im_Zeus First: Where from do you know me? :D And Second: Maybe it is e.getDrops().set(drop) because otherwise you will have the old and the new...
The Gaming Grunts replace my getLevel() Method with p.getLevel so you will see the Level from the Players LevelBar. The Gaming Grunts You could...
The Gaming Grunts I have posted code for Player-Specific Scoreboards a while ago. Here is the link:...
SeibelFTW Add this at the end: p.updateInventory()
chasechocolate I have already tried this. Doesn't work either. And I cannot wait one tick to teleport because this one only lives for 1 tick.
Hey Coders out there! I have one problem. If you spawn a FallingBlock it will always spawn in the middle of the block. Even if the Location is...
Pizza371 I am not sure if there is a Method to get every Player that has ever been online but if not you should store all the Playernames in a...
Pizza371 I would recommend you to look into Bubble Sort. This is a Java Methods to sort the Highest Integers. And then you would just need to get...
StephenR9320 Here I corrected it: You wrote the { at a few wrong places.
Separate names with a comma.