Sea level at 64, and mountains up to 256, would be epic. Being eable to dig down 128 seems redundant, but building 192 up is awesome!
Oooh, thank you all over the place for that one!
New RB of CraftBukkit is out... 1.1
ohh the amount of jealousy I feel! Twice the height meens 8 times the need for bukkit! We (our server) have been waiting for FishTaco to make 256...
I'll take it! Whatever works, works. I will offer anything for this merge to work. even set the server capasaty to 256 slots. Or use motd, or...
That picture looks like you entered a height world without height mod, or entered a normal world with height mod. The height is off.
Now if FishTaco and the SputCraft teem could work together here, we would all have something truly fleshed out amazing!
We have been using FishTaco's heigh mod on our server a long time now, and managed to make some pretty amazing stuff because of it. My heart would...
You just type /iddqd or /deathwalk or something and that gives me or to whom ever it set it to God powers like no other. It can f.eks. have a...
Separate names with a comma.