That's not what the Hunger Games are. The Hunger Games is a series of books following a teenage girl named Katniss in the future. The world has...
Chat manager was disabled... I removed Towny That's what Vault hooks onto for chat... I'll also post an entire...
Does this need permissions? I changed the heroicdeath.txt to match what I wanted it to say, but it's not working.
Oh Vault connected to Towny for chat, how do I prevent it from hooking to Towny for chat? I removed TownyChat btw becuase I didn't know what to...
I use EssentialsEco... I know that hooks onto Vault, but I don't think it's causing the problem... jacklin213 I have herochat
I figured out that the problem is Vault. How do I fix it? It hasn't made a folder with its name inside the plugin folder yet... Do I need to get...
People can't chat on my server when Vault is added to it... I tried giving everyone - vault.* permissions, but that didn't do anything... What are...
Thank you again!
I discovered a plugin that Lockette isn't compatible with and I'd really like it to be. I had to play around to figure out what it was, but found...
Btw, I removed chatmanager and modifyworld, but my friend still can't talk...
Thanks! Really hate to be a bother again, but when I tried privating my chest with Lockette, it didn't work. I've used Lockette successfully...
Ok so I changed the* to modifyworld.* and my friends can build, but still not chat... is there a seperate permission for chatting? I...
Thanks! My friend came on the server and he couldn't build or chat... what or the permissions for those? ZeroX4 since you posted the yml file I...
Oh, btw my prefix in game is [Owner]Owner [Owner] How do I fix it so that it's just [Owner] ? I used the prefix '&6[Owner]' What do I have to...
Separate names with a comma.