I'm having a problem where only my Mini-Mods are able to enter the portal. My other ranks (member, builder, and admin) are able to enter the...
No problem XD I thought it was like that for 32-bit too before :D
saiismad823, read this ;) https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/bat-file-explained.602/
Do you have a 32-bit windows computer? If yes, you can only have up to 1 gb D: If you have 64-bit but 32-bit java, uninstall java and install...
Can you also upload your config file for PItemMenu?
Btw, it looks like your PEX is not spaced properly? Copy and paste your permissions.yml in pastebin and post your link.
Try using a party plugin (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skillapi-parties/) and remove /tp and /tpa for the group that player B is in....
I suggest you use multiverse (requires massivecore) and enable the kitpvp plugin for that server world* woops.
Try typing build: true under options like this: groups: default: permissions: - modifyworld.* - clicksort.commands.click...
Separate names with a comma.