It sometimes does that when you move your view diagonally But for the best evvedt you'd need an image manibulation program like photoshop or gimp...
For the skins, I would use and search for captain america and hulk (I dont remember the third one) As for the blurry...
Great, I'll download now and give support later EDIT: Ok so I tested it out, it works perfectly, sometimes it fails to update like 1 skin if I use...
Great, good luck !
Everything works perfect, Except for when I stop my server and then re run it, only some names and some skins get downloaded The other ones keep...
Sorry to disappoint you mate, but now no êrmissions work at all xD It keeps saying you dont have permissions with every single command EDIT : Im...
SUPER :D Reallyreally cool and once again, what a great plugin :p
Great, Also, don't know if this is possible (probably not) But since capes need to be found in an url, wouldn't the same be possible with skins?...
Is it normal that when I make let's say 4 npcs named Knight and I save citizens, then close the server and restart it, all knights stand on...
Hello, this version still has some bug and I felt like telling you about them. First off I can never use cloaks (giving them) I tried using no...
Bump, sorry I see that you guys are pretty busy but I must know ^^
Ok thanks for answering that fast ^^ How does the code now go on finding the skin? Becouse if you say that the client side should be modified, you...
Hi there everyone, A friend of mine and me are making an awesome server that will blow everyone's mind ^^ But for it to look believeable we'd want...
Separate names with a comma.