Trying to use the converter from citizens 1.2 to 2.0 and this is what I get after I submit Tried different...
Thank you for the updates. Being able to regenerate a new biome and replacing "dead" grass/trees has been awesome Keep up the good work
works fine for me with CB 1938 R4 ;)
just updated to 0.7 and got this error on startup CB 1846 1.1 R3
all you need to do is download the jar file and put it on your bukkit directory for citizens, its the same thing. Put the citizens.jar on your...
update your craftbukkit to the release build, or try one of the dev builds along with the dev builds for Citizens. It works just fine...
update your craftbukkit to the latest release build...
/npc path then left click the ground to add pathways, just make sure the points arent too far apart after youre done do /npc path again
did you also toggle it as a bouncer? /guard bouncer as for attacking mobs you can do /guard af -am the guard will attack all mobs including cows...
Is the essentials.jar also on your plugins folder? just noticed this line on your error log: 2011-12-17 18:20:25 [SEVERE] Essentials not installed...
You're still using an outdated version of CB, just download the actual RB
update your CB :)
Maybe your in the spawn area? or if you downloaded the full essentials package, it might have overwritten your previous config files
it might be disabled on your config.yml for essentials look for this on your config # Users cannot PLACE these types of blocks/items. # < 255...
Separate names with a comma.