Could it be because you typed "loacation", instead of "location"?
Another question is, is there any way to preload the songs? In some cases, song plays fine, then starts to buffer, and the rush the next part of...
Is there any way to control the radius the music spreads to? Other than that, super awesome plugin, love it~
Go to EssentialsGroupManager, and set your permissions for the Default group to -essentials.antioch.
Don't try to refresh it while it is loading, it's around 20k x 10k pixels. Try again by closing down your browser, and re-opening it again.
Using MCedit, I deleted a piece a huge piece of land that was bothering me in my world. I generated a map using c10t and it looked great, all the...
That's unfortunate. Oh well, for now, I'll just disable their blast radius then, don't want people to catch invisible fireballs in their faces :<
I recently installed v.1.1 on a 484 build, and the Nether gets generated fine, all mobs show up, I can hear the sounds and all, everything's fine,...
Separate names with a comma.