If you look in the main directory of your server there’s a mStore folder. Inside you’ll find a file called factions/instance.json Everything...
You could track the block place event and if it’s an iron ore add it to a list, then if they mine it don’t give them credit and remove the block...
Set the heal-delay as well, needs to be a positive value Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fwiw you should be able to open the jar file in winrar or similar, open plugin.yml and just delete the space in the plugins name. Provided it...
That looks oddly like a essentials groupmanager groups/users file. They're not done exactly the same are they? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Did you write this code? It depends on your movement code a lot. There are a lot of really bad ways to mass set blocks. Sent from my iPhone...
You could make it all happen in a single world. Just make each players part of the world a Set size. Think how skyblock or plotme works....
If(player.hasPermission()) //do the command else { player.sendMessage("you do not have permission to use this command. " return; } The...
Your errors are being thrown because worldguard isn't enabled. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you're going to run a server then you better get used to yml's. Do a search for yml parser and you'll find several online options....
That should be in your configuration depending on what chat plugin you use you can set the chat format (displaying rank/tag) on a per world basis....
Yes post logs via pastebin so we can see what's going on, also be real careful with the /reload command. Not all plugins behave well when...
Have you added any debug code to make sure your methods / runnable is running? Likewise you may want to toss in some system.out's to verify that...
Part of the plugin may very well work but whatever part of this code relies on the NMS code is most definitely broken! What happens is when a new...
Check your imports where you found this code, importing minecraft server is version specific. Meaning it will be something like import...
Separate names with a comma.