So I am kinda new to the fireworks in bukkit. I was looking on how people would make the firework explode as soon as it get's spawned. I made this...
What do you mean?... I have tested it out, it's acting like a 50% chance of getting a zombie without equipment and a zombie with equipment. It...
Yes I know, it's not useless for what I need it for...
After googling a bit I found this, sounds like exactly what you need. (Should work with...
We don't have enough information here, how do you want to achieve the specific armor? Do you want us to hold the armor in the hand and write a...
So I have to do (per == 4), if so that still doesn't work :/ (Sorry if I am sounding hostile, I have just been trying to figure this out for so...
That still doesn't help me with my problem... First of all no entities have the name Zombie and second even if I put the nextInt(1) it will never...
So I am trying to make an entity (in this case a Zombie) have a custom name when they spawn, and a chance 1 out of 5 to spawn with equipment such...
You can locate the player different ways, you don't have to use hashmap.
AdamQpzm I haven't seen the Bukkit page.
AdamQpzm Ah thank you, why didn't I know of this site before :)
At the moment I have made this @EventHandler public void onPlayerToggleFlight(PlayerToggleFlightEvent event) { Player player =...
MrInspector Alright thank you :)
Hey I was wondering how I would get a players location? I am a bit new to Bukkit Plugins so sorry for such a nooby question :p
Not sure if you are still looking for it but I like the idea I could try make it.
Separate names with a comma.