Wat info would you need mate?
Hi mate does privatewarp work with the latest craftbukkit build? for some reason PW doesnt work for me with all the permission nodes. it just...
How do you guys reply to the sace_player_location bug in combination with multiverse2 ? Meaning, when using spout 644 + multiverse 2.2 (ish, its...
just wondering if this plugin works 100% for RB1.0.1-R1 and not create any bugs? Refering to the RB build not being mentioned in the title, as...
Nice, but i have disabled the end but it still generates one?
Hi all, Im using MV for a while and i love it. but now i have the following problem: I have made a nether world with MV and wnat to get rid of the...
Hi mate, good to hear about the snowman support ;) And about the problem i had earlier, i figured out that the config would be old (i reused the...
Hi mate, fixed the problem i had before. But i am missing one permission reward to disable and that is the new snowman mob. Because players can...
Hi mate, i was wondering how i lookup a block that got placed or destroyed in creative mode/world? Because when you right click/left click (i...
alright as i thought. wat i liked from the previous version is that you had 1 default message you can set for all mobs. but o well thanks for the...
Hi mate, Yes i know, i see custom messages with a # infront of them, and when i remove the # and change the message, i dont get any messages on...
Hi mate, Back to using ecocreature ;) But with the new build i cant figure out how to change the messages on mob kills/rewards? Im looking for how...
Hi for some reason im getting spamed with: cannot pass event X_X to Safe Creeper, and the X_X are lots of different events, like block_place,...
Hi mate, loving the plugin ;) but ive just found out that Dynmap 0.25 breaks ecocreature... Do you have any idea why dynmap could be doing this?...
Hi all, Currently i am running a small server on a 5400rpm disk with only 8mb of buffer cache, but i was wondering how much of a performance gain...
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