Bump for the mods.
This looks nice! :D
The thing with this plugin is to get hacked admins-accounts not may play, cuz the real admin sets a password, then the hacker don't know the...
I would use "Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);" instead of "String ToName = args[0] Player to = main.plugin.getServer().getPlayer(ToName);"
Essentials do exactly this, but who use Essentials? It has so many unuseful things.. And this have more features, as i dont know we can't set...
md_5 You can move this to inactive, i will not update it anymore.
Read? ColorOP, you guys think it's a permission? I dont think so. Answering some questions: THIS IS A PLUGIN MADE FOR OPS. NO COMMANDS, ONLY...
This is Color-->OP this is plugin for OPs. Not a permissionsplugin, only so OPs get color.
Reload the server --> Refresh FileZilla..
Hmm, whats Bukkit build u use and whats java version? Ooohh, sorry guys! The string didn't work, it should work now! Plugins --> ColorOP -->...
Now it has configs!
Centering looks better, for me :cool:
Dude, i can help you with git if you want! :)
Okay dudes, i'll add permissions-support, PEX and all them ;) Now permissions-support is added! :) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use...
Hmm? It works for me. EDIT: I tried, didn't work, now it should work, random i may deleted the file in my dropbox-folder ;3 md_5, may you look...
Separate names with a comma.