Done, this was the most simple plugin I've ever done. Download:
I'm looking for uSkyBlock 1.0.8 (1.6.2 version) anyone got it? thanks!
Either way works.
ProxyJoin package com.mineferno.proxy; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import...
To store a player name in the config getConfig().set(p.getName(), null) To check if a player is in the config...
Use config, makes life easier. To get DigitalSniperz's money you would use the path (DigitalSniperz.Money). int money =...
Do you mean a inventory as changed? or the player has changed inventorys example, player1 looked inside a chest quit it and looked inside a furnace.
Personally, I like checking for blockid instead of using itemstack/materials. I think its a lot easier and better. Heres a fixed version,...
Personally I would do that like this @EventHandler public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent e){ for(int BlockID :...
These events below are called when ... EntityDamageByEntityEvent - When entities damage each other PlayerDeathEvent - When a player dies...
I'll do this in a bit.
If you want executor's name, getName() If you want the target's name (the person who is in the command), Player target =...
Why don't you check X,Y,Z and then if their over your set limit tp them back -20 blocks depending which way they're facing. Example,...
saveDefaultConfig(); will save the config if it does not exist in the servers plugins folder.
How about you try saving the config after editing it. Only a wizard knows these things. saveConfig();
Separate names with a comma.