Okay... seems plugin devs need to figure something out. I'm surprised others aren't barking about this- so far 3 plugins I've tried for disabling...
Did you read his post, right the hell above yours? Grow a brain? bergerkiller Thanks for the release man! Will be testing this today.
Unity is actually quite cheap when you consider the quality of games you can make with it. bergerkiller You say "The only real programming...
Something on your end most likely- several servers are up and running just fine. What is your setup like? Plugins? Is your server.properties file...
I haven't seen the dispenser duping issue, or traveled to the End or Nether to see how that works. Though on the latest release (2269) there is a...
That's how I can tell you really are a programmer.
Ah. I see what's taking so long. [IMG]
Well, you made out better than me. I threw my screen out the second story window here and freaked out the neighbor, at about page 27.
*sigh* This has been covered too many times. Here.
Ah. Had me fooled. I've been running a fresh server for 2 weeks, only people that hopped on were from word of mouth, or peeps watching a friends...
Something tells me updated versions of multi-world plugins will acknowledge Ender chests.
What are your server specs to be supporting 1000 players?
Well don't just ask. It's already been stated in several different formats, up to and including fruit.
Well, think of this. X amount of players, with each having X amount of normal chests, versus X amount of players with X amount of Ender chests....
What the... Anyhow. Yeah, I noticed the 2266 build... I think they are screwin' with us :p Been playing with 1.3 on my temporary vanilla...
Separate names with a comma.